Everyone wants to get the most out of their investment in laser lipo. After treating thousands of patients, we know that our technology opens the fat cells and they drain. The object of the protocols is to create an environment in your body that will allow the body to get rid of it. While it is miraculous that patients can lay on a table for an hour and lose 2″, 5″, 8″ or more, it is by no means a license to do a swan dive into piles of pizza, cheesburgers and chocolate cake. If you take care of your results, they will be permanent! For the best result follow these simple guidlines during treatment:

  1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink 64-80 ounces of water/day.
  2. Decrease the percentage of calories you take in from fat to around 20%.
  3. No alcohol
  4. Limit coffee or tea to one/day
  5. Take dandylion root, milk thistle and niacin to keep your liver clean.
  6. Wear your compression garment for at least 3 days after treatment for 8-12 hours.
  7. 30 minutes of mild to moderate exercise daily.

Our technology works! Period, end of story. The science, research and the FDA back it up. If you have the right type of fat, we will release it from your cells. After that, it is up to you to help remove it from your body, and these protocols will create the environment in your body to make that happen. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!

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